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Sustanon & why its a much better Anabolic Compound for a Base Test & TRT

Writer's picture: Francis SpanoFrancis Spano

A Complete In Depth Look as to the Numerous Scientific Facts that Sustanon is a much better Base Testosterone Compound as well as it’s use for TRT

Comparing Sustanon and Testosterone Enanthate

Realistically, you’ve got to consider why you would actually choose a test enanthate variant in the first place – it’s likely going to be to reduce your administration frequency, and to maintain a constant state of “anabolism” in regards to your testosterone release over a prolonged period of time.

With that in mind, it could be said that sustanon serves this set of goals perfectly, therefore there is little point in choosing a normal enanthate variant considering you won’t benefit from the “hard-hitting” propionate at the “front end” of the product release in conjunction with the excellent “active” life.

You should consider though that the addition of the decanoate ester in sustanon means that it lasts for over a week longer in the system than some of the “shorter” enanthate variants.


To understand the benefits of sustanon we simply have to understand the benefits of exogenous testosterone in general, as the two are ultimately one and the same. The only distinct difference between “base” testosterone and sustanon is of course the release time within the system; other than that, all base “character” traits remain the same here. These positive aspects are as follows.

Enhanced Nitrogen Retention

Nitrogen comprises of roughly 16% of all muscle mass in the human body. This means that through preserving it, we can actually maintain almost one fifth of our total lean tissue mass across the entire body.

It might not sound like a huge figure, but consider this: most natural trainees (and even those who are not natural) struggle to keep their nitrogen levels optimal and, as such, they don’t fully capitalise on that extra “fifth” of their muscle when cutting and bulking.

This means that at the end of an off-season phase, this fifth can easily be lost as it can during a cut.

That could be the difference between having the epic physique most people are looking for, and having a decent but still fairly average gym body (16% of your total mass represents a great deal of muscle, especially from a visual perspective…if you were to GAIN 16%, you would be truly astounded by the difference.)

Testosterone can help tremendously in this department by safeguarding nitrogen levels, thus helping to secure the extra “fifth” of your overall muscle mass that you may be lacking.

Enhanced Protein Synthesis

This is one of the primary reasons why anyone would choose to use sustanon (or any from of testosterone, for that matter) – it can actually help to generate new lean tissue cells.

Before your mind runs rampant with excitement though, we need to state that this cell generation is surplus to your “normal” capabilities, but certainly isn’t in line with the likes of dianabol, anadrol and trenbolone (all very different steroids that are capable of producing noticeable gains ranging from an extreme level to an impressive but more “sustainable” type of mass.)

If you’re looking to use testosterone supplementation to gain mass, then it’s only really going to be useful in this capacity if you’ve never used anabolic steroids before. It’s an excellent “first” cycle product and should serve as a precursor to any future steroid use.

Other than that though, it is at its best when combined with other products to not only enhance their anabolic effects (as we’ll soon discuss) but also to “chip-in” in its own right by helping to increase the overall anabolic output taking place in the body.

Increased IGF-1 Output

IGF-1 perhaps needs no introduction after our previous section on the synergy between testosterone and growth hormone, but it’s important that we emphasise its importance again.

IGF-1 is going to lead to enhanced testosterone utilisation, enhanced protein synthesis, enhanced muscular recovery and an improvement in pretty much every process imaginable for the optimal anabolic function of the body.

Needless to say, you want more of this stuff in your life. Sustanon will help to provide it in abundance.

These five positive benefits are the primary reason why anybody would choose to supplement with testosterone in general, and why sustanon is one of the most effective anabolic products available.

Of course, no reward comes without a degree of risk, and it’s important that we now observe what could potentially go “wrong” whilst following a sustanon 350 cycle, a sustanon 250 cycle, or any other cycle variation of this highly popular product.


Whilst testosterone is considered to be one of the mildest steroids available, some users may suffer from side effects therefore it’s important that you fully understand what they are. No matter which anabolic product you take, you’re never going to be entirely free of side effects - they coincide with the use of any steroid, be it mild or highly potent. What is important to understand is that these issues can largely be controlled, and in our PCT section, we’ll outlay how you can implement effective cycle therapy to do just that

Elevated Negative Cholesterol Levels

Using exogenous testosterone can suppress (good) HDL cholesterol by up to 20%. This gives rise to an increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol, thus laying the foundation for potential circulatory issues in regards to the unrestricted movement of blood within the body.

This can in extreme cases lead to cardiac arrest and strokes, though it’s more likely that it’ll simply affect respiratory function in a mild capacity. Should you get regular blood checks whilst on cycle, you’ll be able to determine whether or not your levels are looking “ok.”

If not, there are several means by which one can control them – this is why it’s important to consult with a GP before, during and after your anabolic cycles. Otherwise, you’re taking a fairly large risk.

Androgenic issues are possible whilst using this product (being that it is itself an androgenic hormone, this probably stands to reason.) These issues can include, but are not limited to:

  • Sporadic hair growth across the body and face

  • Sporadic baldness (head)

  • A deepening of the voice (this is realistically only going to be an issue for a female, but typically a female would never or should never use testosterone anyway)

  • The development of adverse skin conditions like acne

These elements can again be controlled with relative ease if you’re a male, but as for a female, however, this will not be the case.

The Suppression Of Natural Testosterone Output

You may think that when reading the above description alone, this element makes absolutely no sense. Unfortunately though, this is one of the few “guaranteed” side effects when using any anabolic steroid whatsoever.

As a result of integrating an external source of testosterone, your body will eventually become reliant on this source over the course of your cycle and deem it to be its “default” means of accessing testosterone.

As soon as you stop using this source, you’ll find that your organic production has shut down, being that the body didn’t think it was needed any longer.

Through an effective post cycle therapy phase, you can restore these levels within a fairly short time frame. Never make the mistake of thinking that this PCT window is optional though, otherwise it could take up to a year before your levels are able to fully restore.

Estrogenic issues are a possibility being that this product aromatises. These issues can be fairly easily safeguarded against, but it’s important that you seek immediate medical advice should any of them manifest in a potent fashion:

  • Swelling around the ankles and wrists

  • Excess fluid retention underneath the surface of the skin

  • The possible development of gynecomastia

In regards to the first two elements (and largely the third too), a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) product would almost definitely be enough to ensure that these issues did not develop in a potent fashion.

In regards to the last, you will need to ensure that you have an AI (aromatase inhibitor) on hand like Letrozole, in case it starts to take a prominent hold of you and physical symptoms develop in a potent fashion. This inhibitor will help to shut down estrogen production and ideally reverse the symptoms of gynecomastia. If it does not, you will need to seek immediate medical advice for swift intervention.

The above four areas are the most relevant in regards to adverse issues arising, and anything else that you may encounter of a negative nature stands to be mild - i.e general nausea, headaches, possibly dizziness and sleeplessness.

The above symptoms are all largely “typical” in relation to using any pharmaceutical grade product though, should it not agree with your genetic make-up, so their possible manifestation is not highly alarming in its own right.

A Basic Sustanon Profile with more Aspects

  • History

  • Anabolic and Androgenic ratio

  • Forms of delivery and half life of each ester

  • Myths

  • How it Works

  • Dosages

  • Half life

  • Detection times

  • Side effects

  • User results

  • Stacking

  • Cycles

  • Cost and ease of access

  • Female use

Sustanon 250 is a testosterone mix of four different esters, all of which are put into a single compound. The 250 stands for the total ratio of milligrams (mg) per milliliter (ml) that was found in each ampule of the original version. Interestingly, it is easily the most well known and most widely used ester blend in the bodybuilding community, and it has also been copied by another blend called Omnadren, which is sold in Europe and shares the exact same esters.


The idea behind the creation of sustanon 250 was to develop a blend of esters that a person could inject less frequently, but still feel results quickly and have each of the esters pick up one after another for a longer action of testosterone. However, this idea never caught on in the United States, as testosterone replacement (TRT) doctors chose to go with single esters instead. Consequently, this concept is put in practice only in Europe, where Omnadren is used for TRT. As a matter of fact, the well respected British National Formulary lists sustanon 250 as the preferred compound for TRT.

Anabolic and Androgenic ratio

As it was already mentioned above, sustanon 250 is made up of different testosterone esters, hence the anabolic to androgenic ratio will be 1[00:10]0 on the dot, since no other compounds are used in this blend.

Forms of delivery and half life of each ester

Sustanon 250 is an injectable anabolic steroid that typically comes in 1 ML amps with 250 mgs of the active substance. Nonetheless, underground labs (UG labs) have come up with 10 or 20 ml vials with the same mg/ml ratio.

There are four esters that make up the sustanon 250 blend:

  • Testosterone Propionate 30 mgs: Out of the 250 mgs that make up this compound, only 30mg (12%) is the very short propionate ester; hence, sustanon 250 should never be treated like propionate. Usually, the propionate ester is used by those looking for a short ester in a cycle of only 8 weeks or less, which needs to be injected everyday or every other day. The half life is only 3.5 days, so it is in and out of the system quicker than the other esters. In fact, many bodybuilders also say they experience less aromatization from the propionate, which might have something to do with the fact it doesn't stay in the system very long.

  • Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60 mgs: This ester is the second shortest of the blend, and it is mostly found in Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP). It has a half life of only 4.5 days, so as the propionate is dropping off slowly, you can expect the phenylpropionate to be there and provide a boost before the longer esters start kicking in.

  • Testosterone Isocaproate 60 mgs: This is the third shortest ester with a listed half life of 9 days, which is close to the enanthate ester, since it has a 10.5 days half life.

  • Testosterone Decanoate 100 mgs: This very long ester holds the major share of the active substance in sustanon, making up 100 mgs out of the total 250 mgs. The half life of this ester is a whopping 15 days.


Now that we know about the esters used in this blend, and how much of each sustanon 250 contains, we can explain how it works in the real world. Many so called forum 'guru's will claim that sustanon 250 should be injected every other day to maintain 'stable blood levels' as they call it. Nevertheless, in reality they are mistaken about the way steroid esters and half lives work.

When you inject sustanon 250 all four esters hit your system at the same time. However, the longer esters are the majority of the blend, and those heavy esters last a long time. Remember, a half life simply means that after that many days only half of what you injected will be leftover, and so on. Therefore, it doesn't just leave the body immediately as some people tend to think.

In this example, out of the 250 mgs total you have 160 mgs made up of 9 and 15 day half lives, which will last weeks after injecting. Hence, it is hard to understand why some people treat sustanon 250 as if it were testosterone propionate, when it only contains 12% of that ester.

Even with these facts you still have the majority of forum guru's claiming that sustanon 250 should be injected every 2 or 3 days, making it seem to be the most common way to run it. However, sustanon 250 should be injected every 11-15 days at a higher dosage, and each ester can peak up one after another to maintain stable blood levels.

How it Works

Since sustanon 250 is basically a blend of different forms of testosterone, you can expect to get the same effects as using any other single ester testosterone form. Still though, there is a small contingent of users who seem to claim that sustanon works better than a single estered testosterone because the body is 'tricked' by the different esters. Nevertheless, this idea isn't backed by science, and these beliefs could be due to such factors like placebo or simply a higher quality sustanon.

Hence, sustanon will have the same properties as you will find with testosterone, and the same ancillaries will have to be used. As we all know, testosterone is an essential male hormone for both sexes, and men obviously require much more of it to function correctly. Men (and some women too) who suffer from low testosterone levels will go on sustanon 250 for TRT in order to bring their hormone levels back in line. What's more, sustanon 250 is also used by those in the bodybuilding world, who run it at higher dosages to get all the benefits that come with an increase in this potent male hormone.


If you are running sustanon 250 for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), then the doctor will probably put you on a single 250 mgs dose every 14 days, or they might have you inject 500 mgs every 3-4 weeks. The idea behind this approach is that you inject a large amount of this anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), then allow the esters to do the job in succession.

Meanwhile, if you use sustanon 250 as an athlete/bodybuilder, the weekly dosages can vary from 250 mgs up to 1000 mgs on average. Injecting twice a week or once per week are the most popular ways of using it as part of a stack. Those that seek to inject testosterone more often should swap into the propionate version instead.

Half life

The half life of sustanon 250 should be linked to its longest ester - the decanoate. Thus, as mentioned above in the profile, sustanon's half life would be 15 days.

Detection times

Yet again, the detection time of sustanon should be linked to its longest ester, so it would be over 3 months. For this reason sustanon is a poor choice for tested athletes.

Side effects

Abusing any anabolic steroid can result in major health problems, and sustanon 250 is not an exclusion. There is a difference between using sustanon 250 for TRT under a doctor's care, and abusing it in bodybuilding.

There are two major problems with abusing this compound. The first is the estrogenic issues that will arise due to the aromatization into estrogen, which can result in such side effects as gynecomastia, bloating, and increased blood pressure. This is why it is important to use an aromatase inhibitor (AI) from the first day of sustanon use. These days, the most popular AI's are aromasin and arimidex.

The second major problem is the suppression of the pituitary glands, which happens with all anabolic steroids. This is why it is so important to run a post cycle therapy (PCT) if you plan on ever coming off sustanon 250.

Other side effects are the androgenic issues, such as heart strain and cholesterol effects. Luckily, there are support supplements that work great to combat this, and n2guard is one of the best ones for this purpose.

User results

Sustanon use leads to an increase in protein synthesis, more nitrogen retention in the muscles, higher red blood cell count, faster recovery, more IGF-1 production, and a pronounced inhibition of such muscle wasting hormones as cortisol. Add this all up, and what you get is more strength, more muscle mass, faster recovery, and usually an increase in libido.

Therefore, it is not surprising that users say sustanon 250 helps them gain more muscle and strength. Additionally, they get a sense of well being, better mood, and increased libido. A user who is new to anabolics can take sustanon 250 and gain 10-15 pounds on a cycle. In spite of the fact that much of these gains can be attributed to water retention, there is definitely a noticeable increase in their strength gains across the board.

All in all, the biggest complaint you may hear from users is that sustanon 250 sometimes causes post injection pain, However, I personally have not found this to be the case as I have been using Sustanon @500mgs per week for thr past 10 years. You will also may here that PIP is not found with the much smoother testosterone enanthate.


Sustanon 250 is versatile, and you can stack it with any other compound. Just make sure to be covered with a very strong aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you stack it with another aromatizing compounds. What's more, you should run an AI with it regardless of the other compounds in the stack.

When compared to single estered testosterone, the beautiful part about sustanon is that it contains some short esters, so a kickstart with an oral steroid is not necessary. Consequently, you will feel it quicker than cypionate or enanthate.


Here is a sample 16 Sustanon cycle:

Week 1-8

  • 50mgs anavar/day

  • 500mgs sustanon/week

  • 20mgs cardarine/day

  • 25mgs andarine/day

  • 10mgs aromasin/EOD

  • 7 caps n2guard/ED

Week 9-16

  • 500mgs sustanon/week

  • 20mgs cardarine/day

  • 25mgs andarine/day

  • 10mgs aromasin/EOD

  • 7 caps n2guard/ED

Cost and ease of access

Sustanon 250 is produced by just about every underground source out there, so it is easy to find and is not expensive at all. For instance, you can buy 10 weeks worth at 500 mgs per week for $110-200 or so. Personally, I purchase Sustanon 250 by Organon Pakistan Karachidue. Due to the fact that I use this compound as a Base test (Cruise/TRT) @ 500 mgs per week. I always keep it in stock so I pay $35 per 10 Amps (100 at a time for a total of $3500)

Female use

Females can use testosterone, especially if they are deficient, but they must use it at a tiny dosage and should monitor their levels through blood work. This is purely for hormonal therapy not for bodybuilding. Unfortunately, if they use too much sustanon 250 they will open themselves up to virilization issues.

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